
Statistics generated on Saturday 28 October 2006 - 20:23:26
During this 170-day reporting period, a total of 988 different nicks were represented on #outpost2.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineChars per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Sirbomber1237517367587 217081237517367587 1026854.724.1today"Got room for me?"
2 OPU|Freeza-CII624374594300 18137624374594300 1048325.826.62 days ago"ya thats the pic"
3 OPU|hacker783310307003 15868783310307003 894715.626.72 days ago"yea thats why dial-up u have to have a modem cant just send digital data thru it cuz its unshielded twisted pair phoneline"
4 OPU|Leviathan210858818285277 9801210858818285277 424064.320.22 days ago"i keep 5 comps in there"
5 DM-Horus1797302418101161 77921797302418101161 679438.743.42 days ago"but now i lost all my chans"
6 stormy446915442201484 7717446915442201484 316884.119.92 days ago"I am leaving until this place cools down"
7 stormy|33546795052528 706633546795052528 300744.320.92 days ago"can you two play hamachi?"
8 Mcshay40773332635 705840773332635 269263.818.0today"it's done it everytime i've played a game with you :p"
9 Eddy-B11797654917 692311797654917 309784.522.411 days ago"site is up & running again :-))"
10 OPU|ZigZagJoe221023121673 6380221023121851673 287934.522.544 days ago"Asia Pacific Network Information Centre"
11 Tellaris242814981720 5760242814981720 385196.735.22 days ago"You both arn't helping things, so talk about something else."
12 Mogymog19449537681771 543619449537681771 6915012.765.42 days ago"Moogle.. if you believ anything he says.. you need to be smacked hard with a tire-iron"
13 Betaray28781306947 513128781306947 319586.230.22 days ago"were just infulenced by it"
14 CK9179820101184 5081179820101184 300445.930.32 days ago"and it's the smallest one of the files yet!"
15 OPU|Hooman19202618 483919202618142159 320886.634.160 days ago"How far are you on it?"
16 rocknavator17671483280911 444117671483280911 225465.124.85 days ago"but I DID just have a baby"
17 MoogleKupoHax21724771643 443221724771401643 243135.527.42 days ago"i need to get my cable replaced"
18 zhukant19371523640 426419371523164640 179404.220.94 days ago"Biblia means library in Latin"
19 thablkpanda18761915 400218761771915 247846.232.12 days ago"I reserve the right to ask a question when you're finished. <excuse me>"
20 XxBoudreauxX13522011547 396513522011547 206065.226.02 days ago"teach me binary"
21 Starfox0000017711518471 381017711518471 202605.325.32 days ago"it supposed to be like that"
22 EmperorKosh19711366 353319711366190 301878.543.52 days ago"wow that was great..."
23 Instigator2845961914 2825845961105914 93833.315.62 days ago"ok well thats helpfull... i guess i should just have someone come out to my house then huh?"
24 Arklon16661089 281716661089 155145.528.9today"It completely fucks up my internet settings"
25 RipperKhan1855281579 27521855281579 86333.114.416 days ago"lol hd still works?"
26 wizisi2k1966248386 26131966248386 124464.821.82 days ago"sell some of the better compoents"
27 Zanco`1255638493 2451125563865493 146676.030.620 days ago"lol, a lot of carzy stuff on the internet"
28 Harky1048564508 22341048564114508 101504.520.852 days ago"i guess the first map i ever plaed was"
29 gamerscd1307594 2103130777125594 63273.015.32 days ago"whats anouncement?"
30 edn695250732 1677695250732 45902.713.62 days ago"the first have"

These didn't make it to the top:
OPU|Leviathan` (1664) Sl0vi (1631) lordly_dragon (1621) Fenrisul (1565) `Dennis` (1526)
dm|horus (1434) _Grim_ (1373) `Leviathan` (1293) AnimaVex (1093) Cctoide (1082)
Plymoth45 (1042) Isolocis (871) Hooman (827) OPU|Leviathan`` (822) PA_Riledo (791)
OPU|Freeza (780) Grimace (759) OPU|Mez (736) Big_S (682) MoogleLaptopHax (677)
ZeroVirus (657) True`Logic (647) leeor_net| (643) Highlander_H (593) TH300 (592)
Ripper|away (579) stormy|Zzzzzzzz (560) Chrispy (556) Rock|CodeHead (551) OP2_Rules (545)

By the way, there were 928 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Sirbomber - 12375 OPU|Freeza-CII - 7459 OPU|Leviathan - 1828 Sirbomber - 7587
2 OPU|hacker - 7833 DM-Horus - 3024 DM-Horus - 1810 OPU|hacker - 7003
3 OPU|Freeza-CII - 6243 OPU|Hooman - 2618 Sirbomber - 1736 OPU|Leviathan - 5277
4 stormy - 4469 OPU|ZigZagJoe - 2312 OPU|hacker - 1030 Eddy-B - 4917
5 Mcshay - 4077 XxBoudreauxX - 2011 Mogymog - 768 OPU|Freeza-CII - 4300
6 stormy| - 3354 CK9 - 2010 Eddy-B - 765 Mcshay - 2635
7 Betaray - 2878 stormy - 1544 stormy| - 505 stormy| - 2528
8 Tellaris - 2428 zhukant - 1523 OPU|Leviathan`` - 415 thablkpanda - 1915
9 OPU|ZigZagJoe - 2210 Starfox00000 - 1518 `Leviathan` - 368 Mogymog - 1771
10 MoogleKupoHax - 2172 Tellaris - 1498 Cctoide - 358 Tellaris - 1720

Big numbers
Is Chrisss stupid or just asking too many questions? 35.9% lines contained a question!
EG didn't know that much either. 30.3% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Mogymog, who yelled 23.1% of the time!
Another old yeller was Zanco`, who shouted 16.9% of the time!
It seems that BooDro's shift-key is hanging: 7.6% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:

XxBoudreauxX just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 6.4% of the time.
Sirbomber is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 60 times.
For example, like this:
     * Sirbomber slaps OPU|hacker.

CK9 can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 39 times.
Poor Sirbomber, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 37 times.
For example, like this:
     * Arklon slaps Sirbomber around with nuclear waste

OPU|Freeza-CII seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 25 times.
Fenrisul brings happiness to the world. 9.2% lines contained smiling faces. :)
MitchVT isn't a sad person either, smiling 9.1% of the time.
WiZzaY seems to be sad at the moment: 8.2% lines contained sad faces. :(
True`Logic is also a sad person, crying 3.0% of the time.
Mogymog wrote the longest lines, averaging 65.3 letters per line.
#outpost2 average was 26.3 letters per line.
molson` wrote the shortest lines, averaging 11.1 characters per line.
Phague was tight-lipped, too, averaging 11.1 characters.
OPU|Freeza-CII spoke a total of 104832 words!
OPU|Freeza-CII's faithful follower, Sirbomber, didn't speak so much: 102685 words.
Panda|ZzDiablo wrote an average of 23.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.35 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 people 2280 OPU|hacker
2 thats 2156 Instigator2
3 could 1985 Sl0vi
4 right 1903 Instigator2
5 really 1826 Fenrisul
6 something 1818 OPU|hacker
7 still 1818 MoogleKupoHax
8 thing 1791 OPU|hacker
9 going 1761 OPU|hacker
10 where 1574 OPU|hacker

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 One 5153 MoogleKupoHax
2 He 3440 Mcshay
3 Hi 2792 Instigator2
4 OP2 2382 OPU|hacker
5 stormy 858 Starfox00000

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :) 1398 Fenrisul
2 :( 781 MoogleKupoHax
3 ;) 770 stormy
4 :-p 166 MoogleKupoHax
5 -_- 160 stormy|Op2
6 -.- 135 Instigator2
7 :-) 108 Moogle
8 :-P 66 EmperorKosh
9 :-D 52 EmperorKosh
10 :-( 33 MoogleKupoHax

#outpost2 karma
 Nick Karma Good karma by Bad karma by
1 fun 1 Mcshay
2 monthypython 1 Mcshay
3 logic 1 Mcshay

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://stats.projectjj.com/ 219 HubbaJJ
2 http://www.outpost-universe.net/multi.php 30 Sirbomber
3 http://iliketoburnthings.kicks-ass.net 25 MoogleLaptopHax
4 http://www.outpost-universe.net 24 crisss
5 http://forum.outpost-universe.net/index.php?showtopic=2504 12 OPU|Leviathan

#outpost2 Music Charts
 Song How Often Played Last Played by
1 what 2 XxBoudreauxX
2 that fast is unhealth 1 Sirbomber
3 devil's advocate 1 thablkpanda
4 people with skill isn't fun 1 [S]|Panther
5 op2 r ight ? :P 1 Instigator2

Other interesting numbers
OPU|Leviathan wasn't very popular, getting kicked 133 times!
For example, like this:
     *** OPU|Leviathan was kicked by OPU|Bot

MoogleKupoHax seemed to be hated too: 62 kicks were received.
OPU|Bot is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 364 people!
OPU|Bot's faithful follower, OPU|hacker, kicked about 16 people.
L donated 1128 ops in the channel...
OPU|Bot was also very polite: 705 ops from him/her.
OPU|Bot is the channel sheriff with 120 deops.
OPU|Freeza-CII deoped 1 users.
OPU|Bot donated 2764 voices in the channel...
L was also very polite: 69 voices from him/her.
OPU|Freeza-CII likes taking voice from people, 8 devoices.
Sirbomber always lets us know what he/she's doing: 891 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Sirbomber is away.

Also, OPU|Freeza-CII tells us what's up with 479 actions.
Sirbomber talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 275 times!
Another lonely one was OPU|hacker, who managed to hit 169 times.
Sirbomber couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 458 joins during this reporting period!
TOMSY has quite a potty mouth. 2.4% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <TOMSY> fuck wot

Boud|BRB also makes sailors blush, 2.2% of the time.

Latest Topics
.: Outpost Universe :: www.outpost-universe.net :: Newsletter 8 out! :: OP2 1.3.4 released! :: Next Game: ?/?/?/? @ ? :. 2 days ago on 06:04 by OPU|Bot
.: Outpost Universe :: www.outpost-universe.net :: Newsletter 8 out! :: OP2 1.3.4 released! :: Next Game: Grimace/?/?/? @ ? :. 2 days ago on 06:03 by OPU|Bot
.: Outpost Universe :: www.outpost-universe.net :: Newsletter 8 out! :: OP2 1.3.4 released! :: Next Game: Grimace/Grimace2/?/? @ ? :. 2 days ago on 06:03 by OPU|Bot
The topic was set 256 times.
Total number of lines: 273817.

Stats generated by pisg v0.67
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 01 minutes and 31 seconds